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Coffee LAB
„Coffee LAB“ tai nedidelis šeimos verslas, gimęs iš meilės kokybei ir norui atrasti tobulą skonį. Nors mūsų pavadinimas siejamas su kava, ši „laboratorija“ tapo vieta, kur puoselėjame ne tik kavos, bet ir arbatos tradicijas. Didžiausią dėmesį skiriame organiškoms žolelių ir matcha arbatoms, tačiau taip pat siūlome aukštos kokybės kavos kapsules bei kavos aparatus. Kiekvienas mūsų produktas yra kruopščiai atrinktas tam, kad sukurtų išskirtinę gėrimo patirtį ir įkvėptų mažoms kasdienėms ritualų akimirkoms.
Mūsų misija
Mūsų vertybės
Mūsų klientų pasitikėjimas yra mūsų sėkmės pagrindas.
Mes vertiname nuoširdžius santykius su mūsų klientais ir siekiame užmegzti ilgalaikius, pasitikėjimu pagrįstus ryšius.
Kokybė yra mūsų prioritetas.
Atsakomybė reiškia, kad mes stengiamės elgtis etiškai, žengti žingsnį atgal ir pripažinti savo klaidas, jei jos įvyksta.
Mes vertiname jūsų laiką ir dėl to siekiame, kad viskas būtų aišku, suprantama ir pasiekiama vos kelių mygtukų paspaudimu.
Ką sako mūsų klientai
I have worked with many themes, this is reliable and, above all, requires very little intervention because the display on all devices is perfect. The theme imports are complete throughout, and the use of external plugins (such as the cookie policy) has become a thing of the past as this theme offers everything a freelancer needs without wasting time. The site is also speedy. Compliments.
Best theme I bought! I buy themes frequently for customer projects, but after more than 30 themes, this one is BY FAR my favourite. It has many helpful demo pages and the best thinkable usability. I never came to a point where I had to fix something. I can’t find anything wrong with this.
I don’t usually leave reviews (this may be my first actually), but I felt the need to drop a comment for Crocal. I’ve used many themes, and this one has by far been the most flexible and easy to use. And at the same time, it has a great organization system, defining colors, typography and title sections in ways that make it easy to duplicate the same layout from page to page. Great stuff, I hope the devs are able to keep this one humming for years to come!
Impossible to choose 1 option for why these guys, not just this theme but the whole team is 5 star. If you are reading reviews to make a decision then look no further. Been with these guys for many years and I work with absolute confidence that if I need any advice or guidance in the direction I am pushing the theme the support and expertise is there.
When you review something in Themeforest you need to choose the main reason for your rating. This is very hard in case of the Crocal template. Really five-star in every category! Looking forward to try other works from Euthemians!
Fantastic. By far my favourite theme. Super flexible, great templates, superb support. Performs well in speed tests. Integrates well with all the major plug-ins. Easy to navigate settings and page builder. Couldn’t be happier!
I did hundreds of websites in the last 20 years. the Crocal Template is the best I have worked on within this time. The code, customizability and support are at the highest level. It would be hard for me to say which theme is equivalent.
Awesome theme with a wide variety of customization options. Very easy to adjust, and there is a lot of information on how to use any function. The design is awesome! Love it! Thank you for a great job!
This is the best company I have ever worked with regarding customer support. Friendly, timely and very helpful. Additionally, the theme is equally impressive. Looks good, and it’s easy/intuitive to edit the way they have set it up in the admin. I love these guys and love this theme! Thank you, Euthemians!!!